This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
intro / listener feedback / Audacious Eleven / no sex talk / writer’s block / Europa Universalis / back to the bathroom / Star Wars / the Eric Twin Stratford / Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo / races vs. racist / PG rating / Wonder bread / Star Wars comics / Jaws / the long run / more Eric Twin Stratford / John Pinette / Brickhouse / food allergies / food dislikes / Boo and Spooky / Koko / shout out to Terry / the snake box / Archie vs. Sharknado / Ant-Man / Michael Douglas / closing /
Audacious Eleven on Their Favorite Podcasts
What If… Eurpoa Universalis IV
Philadelphia Writers’ Conference
Glenn’s review of Jaws at Biff Bam Pop!
Jack & Mike’s Brickhouse Bar & Grille
Brickhouse at French Fry Diary
Koko’s Twitter (yes, Ray’s cat is on Twitter)
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