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This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
pre-intro excitement / intro / Doctor Doom / rogue programmer / accent / the studio’s approach / invisible action figures / containment suits / Hulk fists / Doom is so cool… / reality TV angle / will Ray see the movie? / John Byrne / the Inhumans / trusting the storytellers / Tom DeFalco / other artist possibilities on Fantastic Four / does love equal quality / Bill Sienkiewicz / will Glenn see this movie? / Punisher Oscar / film criticism criteria / Freddy Got Fingered / Moulin Rouge! / Doom is so cool, part 2 / Vince Vaughn Doom / closing / shout out to JP Fallavollita / M. Night /

GAR! on The Fantastic Four Conspiracy Theory
Glenn’s reviews of “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” at Biff Bam Pop!
Glenn’s 2003 review of Freddy Got Fingered
Glenn’s 2004 review of Moulin Rouge
JP Fallavollita at Biff Bam Pop!
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