This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
intro / Neil Vokes / Eagle / Death’s Dark Angel / Kickstarter / inkwash and texture / Kindle / the lost ATF! Tapes / Static with Kurt Busiek / Jonny Demon / Kirbyverse collectibles / snowy late Glenn / Ninjak and Acclaim / watching your back / the Vokes-verse / Shadows over White Chapel / independent comics / Camden Comic Con / other cons / Garden State Comic Fest / Neil vs. security / we are definitely recording / more lost tapes / Bryan J.L. Glass / passion / Neil kills The Spirit / more Eagle / Michael Avon Oeming and Adam Hughes / work for hire / legacy / rewriting Superman Adventures / closing /
This is what Doom is eventually going to do to all stupid movie executives. Download the MP3 here!
This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
pre-intro excitement / intro / Doctor Doom / rogue programmer / accent / the studio’s approach / invisible action figures / containment suits / Hulk fists / Doom is so cool… / reality TV angle / will Ray see the movie? / John Byrne / the Inhumans / trusting the storytellers / Tom DeFalco / other artist possibilities on Fantastic Four / does love equal quality / Bill Sienkiewicz / will Glenn see this movie? / Punisher Oscar / film criticism criteria / Freddy Got Fingered / Moulin Rouge! / Doom is so cool, part 2 / Vince Vaughn Doom / closing / shout out to JP Fallavollita / M. Night /
This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
Law and Order / tilapia and baby back ribs / Rib-It / onion ring masterpieces / back to Law and Order / the Potato Onion Web / French fries cause cancer / Shaft’s father / we offend everyone / once more back into Law and Order / sailors week / why Ray is so smart / why Glenn is so dumb / Deptford Mall / TV stories of childhood / stupid Glenn’s birthday / The Six Million Dollar Man / Scholastic magazines / secret origins / What If? / Doctor Doom / Wally Wood / Peanuts / Show’N Tell / Sears Wish Book / videogames of our youth / Glenn stinks at videogames / NaNoWriMo / The Make Mine Magic Podcast / Thanksgiving /
(Note from Ray- Glenn did our write-up. I’m shocked that he did this without using the word “bedbug”. So, not for any reason other than it’s fun to say “bedbug”…BEDBUG BEDBUG BEDBUG BEDBUG! You’re welcome.)
(Also, the guy we thought was dead? He wasn’t. We saw him walking around a few hours later. So we didn’t make fun of a dead guy. Our karma is spared.)
(Also- Alligator People is AWESOME. Watch the movie below. You’ll thank me later.)
(Also- this was my favorite podcast with Glenn. We really did this in the parking lot of the con in Glenn’s car. We should do more like this.)
This week’s special Live from the Pulp AdventureCon episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
Pulp AdventureCon / Glenn’s arcane movie knowledge / The Wild World of Batwoman / The Alligator People / West of Zanzibar / customer service / the dead guy in the back / Golden Age comics / slabbing comics / the original Daredevil / Mark Waid / Mr. Terrific* / serials / The Spider / bat mitzvah / figure skating / Tonya Harding / sex tapes / this episode’s Breaking Bad reference / Brady Bunch / hotel as alternate housing / customers / used Star Wars toys / Ender’s Game / creator vs. product / Mel Gibson / Super Fun Night / Queen Latifah / marriage / the Green Hornet on radio / Frank Miller / The Spirit / into the woods / Tom Smith / The Fox /
* although what Glenn is thinking of is Captain Nice