This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
intro / 150 / inspiration and origin / location / cheesesteaks / Wawa in Florida / BBQ in Florida / Jiffy Pop fire / who gives you the most fries? / Steak ‘n Shake / Shake Shack / Smashburger / left or right restaurants / the movers / new offices / Steve Dillon / Bleeding Cool and proofreading / Wonder Woman by Gail Simone / voting and the election / Bryan Cranston bio / Vine / closing /
This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
intro under siege / Roger Stern’s Avengers / line-ups / the Mansion Siege / Cap’s pics / Kristoff / Baxter Building blow-up / Glenn’s gaps / Roger Stern fired / continuity gaps / Captain Hydra encounters / Walt Simonson’s Avengers / Doctor Druid / Crystal and the jacket era / what makes a good or bad Avenger? / Glenn’s worst Avengers / squatters of the galaxy / lists like this / Glenn’s best Avengers / New Avengers / Hawkeye / the Swordsman / the best Kang stories / the best Avengers writers / the worst anniversary issues ever / more writer discussion / Giant-Man flipbooks / George Perez / the best Avengers artists / West Coast Avengers for the words / Al Milgrom / the WCA Thing / Thor done right / the best Avengers headquarters / the real Mansion / Jarvis / best spin-off / the move and scheduling / black racers / closing /
This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
intro / The Mack / diversity in comics / Riri Jackson Iron Man / the fall of Iron Man / replacement heroes / *spoiler alert* / the death of the Hulk / totally new Marvel / wrestling parallel / too much change / the Champions / Ray’s Tweet war / DC Rebirth / Justice League vs. Doctor Who / The Authority / Avengers Point / the end of the Marvel Universe / done with Captain America / post-Secret Wars continuity / Astro City / binge television / Game of Thrones / Breaking Bad / binge comics / Preacher / Ray vs. Chris Christie / closing /
This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast, recorded live at the
2016 Camden Comic Con, includes discussion of the following:
intro / Justin Piatt and Zach Dolan of Unlikely Heroes Studios / Kickstarter / worldbuilding / superhero tiers / Patreon / the Black Hole robot / collaboration and world / character placement / always a boxing glove / Frank Miller / Alan Moore / superfan / Audacious Eleven / Suliman Onque / Super Sketch Painter / Ben Grimm / favorites / punching buildings / Chris Claremont / Make Mine Magic / Mark Poulton / A Cat Named Haiku / marketing the cat / Kickstarter again / demographics and merch / cats / The GAR! Podcast / Ed Evans / The All Things Fun! New Comics Vidcast / screwing up / gaming at CCC / card games / the theme is failure / mail order comics / the army base / military demographics / business / get Glenn back into comics / DC Rebirth / Dan Didio / blank comics / twilight time / thank you / closing /
This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
intro / technical difficulties / Marvel anime / the Punisher / special effects / feeling good about the Punisher / Glenn doesn’t like the Punisher / Ray loves the Punisher / Punisher The End / Colonel of Two Worlds / KFC and The Walking Dead / Ray sings / Earth-Three / Secret Wars and Sue / comic news / bad behavior in comics / turning folks off to comics / Julius Schwartz / sexual harassment in comics / The Avatar Returns / baseball and Back to the Future / closing / Frank Miller still hates superheroes /
This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
intro / the meaning of GAR / 4chan / gar / Ben Grimm is purple / Glenn’s dream Marvel Netflix / Moon Knight / other choices / wrestling comics champs / New 52 Wonder Woman origin / Frightful Four / Paste-Pot Pete / Watchmen comic vs. film / DEVO / superhero erotica / Cartoon Network favorites / music likes and dislikes / new Marvel Netflix / Spider-Man on TV / television future / mixing the ducks / that Archie guy again / closing /
This week, we’re honored to have award-winning author Bryan J. L. Glass! Bryan came over during Camden Comic Con and regaled with tales about his noted project, the Mice Templar comics series from Image Comics (co-created with Michael Avon Oeming of Powers fame). Bryan also talked about his fantastic series, Furious, now available as a trade paperback from Dark Horse Comics.
Don’t forget to stop by your local comics store, Comixology, or on March 25 to pick up the first issue of Mice Templar V: Night’s End.
This is our 2nd of four episodes from the Camden Comic Con!
This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
intro / Bryan J.L. Glass / introductions / Camden Comic Con / Sunday / Mice Templar / origins / Joseph Campbell / Robert McKee / worldbuilding / why did they fall / the right ending / Christopher Nolan / passion / Victor Santos / the last few pages / show don’t tell / page counts / Furious / damn it he’s right / Furious foreign / Disney World / what’s next / Spandex Tights / Electra Woman and Dyna Girl / parody / Electra Woman villains / Charles Soule / best and worst / Mice Templar: Night’s End / thank yous / skydiving / read Mice Templar / more thank yous / next week / closing /
This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
the real intro / The Make Mine Magic Podcast / Snow / Camden Comic Con / Ray makes Glenn do math / Pulp AdventureCon / Darkest Africa / I want to own it / Green Hornet / Congo Bill / the serial stash / Captain America / Spy Smasher / wrestling DVDs / Wonder Woman and Spider-Man / Roman Reigns / Brock Lesnar / dirt sheets / steroids / face, heel, or anti-hero? / Raw walk off / Daniel Bryan / Reddit is the Devil / Grantland on Wrestlemania / taint / Sex Criminals on TV / The Wicked + The Divine / The Punisher in LA / Glenn’s new Kindle / The Man in the High Castle / Bosch / retail hell and evil customers / The Beast / Facebook stalking / apology / closing / Chipotle and Twitter /
By the way, Glenn is forgetful, that’s not Boy in Darkest Africa.
This is what Doom is eventually going to do to all stupid movie executives. Download the MP3 here!
This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
pre-intro excitement / intro / Doctor Doom / rogue programmer / accent / the studio’s approach / invisible action figures / containment suits / Hulk fists / Doom is so cool… / reality TV angle / will Ray see the movie? / John Byrne / the Inhumans / trusting the storytellers / Tom DeFalco / other artist possibilities on Fantastic Four / does love equal quality / Bill Sienkiewicz / will Glenn see this movie? / Punisher Oscar / film criticism criteria / Freddy Got Fingered / Moulin Rouge! / Doom is so cool, part 2 / Vince Vaughn Doom / closing / shout out to JP Fallavollita / M. Night /
This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
intros / Dennis Knight / Cross / casting Cross / Black Panther / NYCC / the Pronto Comics crew / fans / the social event / success / Carmine Street Comics / Buddy Scalera / networking / on the floor / the vendors / Secret Wars / Marvel Zombies / Jason Aaron’s Thor / Original Sin / Odin / Glenn spoils Thor: The Dark World / Civil War / the Godzilla rule / Cross vs. Captain America / closing /