GAR! Podcast Episode 82: Santa Claus, Mick Foley, and Howard the Duck

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This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

intro / nerds / Guardians of the Galaxy / Howard the Duck / Steve Leialoha / Spider-Woman / Best Buy / seasonal book publishing / falling down / I Am Santa Claus / Mick Foley / hardcore wrestling / Mankind / wounded / different Santas / Santa Ray and Glenn Hagrid / being Santa / Christmas and Santa past / Amazon wish lists / chocolate covered potato chips / headphones / Pono / return of vinyl / Christmas trees and fire ants / championship belts / new car / closing / Elf on a Shelf / Snow eats Chick-fil-A / second closing /


Steve Leialoha

Seasonal Book Publishing

Cactus Jack promo

The Nerd Signal

Glenn’s Amazon Wish List

Ray’s Amazon Wish List

“Wrapped in Plastic: Twin Peaks” by Andy Burns

Andy Burns at Biff Bam Pop!

The Pono

Turnpike Trees

Biff Bam Pop!

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The GAR! Podcast on Pinterest

The GAR! Podcast Group on Facebook

The GAR! Podcast Page on Facebook


GAR! Podcast Episode 80: Look, It’s A Cute Kitty!

Download the MP3 here!

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

intro / malls / Echelon Mall / aborted Nook conversation / the new cat / Ted / high school reunions / high school hell / Facebook friends / ‘there’ / bitter Glenn / okay Ray / peaking in high school / Edgewood / Black Friday / holiday shopping / deals and demographics / Big Hero 6 holiday / Wrapped in Plastic / Mulaney / The Affair / Fatal Attraction / back to The Affair / Deacon from King of Queens / the best Jack Ryan / the Punisher kills the Fantastic Four / closing / greed / sponsored by… /


“Wrapped in Plastic: Twin Peaks” by Andy Burns

John Mulaney Black Out Story NSFW

John Mulaney Tom Jones Story NSFW

Actor Victor Williams

The Punisher kills the Fantastic Four

Biff Bam Pop!

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The GAR! Podcast on Pinterest

The GAR! Podcast Group on Facebook

The GAR! Podcast Page on Facebook