This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
intro / South Jersey Writers / Jessica’s new website / binge watching / binge reading / better as binge / WWE collections / Cesaro / Shane McMahon / Hell in a Cell / fantasy vs. reality / crazy Shane / Glenn’s short attention span for wrestling / Roman Reigns vs. Triple H / Weight Watchers / talk shows / loose pants / hair fixing / OJ / non-binge shows / Big Daddy Graham / AMC / social media? / closing / The Biff Bam Pop! Podcast Network / what would you do with a billion dollars? /
This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
intro / the heat / behind the scenes / Merds / the audience / wrestling news / Hulk Hogan / removal / Raw / Curtis Axel / measures of erasure / Wrestlemania in Dallas / Twitter talkback / the Iron Sheik / sex, exes, and videotape / Bill Cosby / the odds / the past / Camille Cosby / returned endowment / comebacks / idol / heartbreak / lawsuits / con game / New Coke / the Cola Wars / Ray’s Secret Wars blog / Dan Didio / Section 8 / The Blue Baron / Back Issue! on Avengers vs. Defenders / Glenn on Avengers vs. Defenders / Valkyrie vs. the Black Knight / closing / the chop shop / Ray’s pre-emptive strike /
Special Note from Ray: If you’re a long-time listener to GAR!, you’ve probably heard a cat mewing in the background many times. More than likely, that cat was my pal Dewey, who I adopted in 2002 as a kitten. I found Dewey mewing his little head off in the adoption section of a Petsmart. I came over and asked to see him; he jumped over to me, crawled up my one arm, down the other, and went to sleep in the crook of my arm. We haven’t been separated since. I didn’t adopt him; he adopted me.
On Thursday, July 30th, Dewey went to the Big Farm, where he can roam and play. He was a champion mouser, and an amazing cat despite the onset of blindness midway through his life. He showed me more love, affection, and trust than any other animal I’ve ever known, and I will miss him terribly.
If you’re reading this, please consider making a small donation to your local animal shelter. They rock, and they could probably use the money. Or, if you have the room in your life and the love in your heart, consider adopting a shelter animal of your own.
Thanks to all of you for listening, and we’ll be back next week!
This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:
false start / Philadelphia talk radio / Mike Missanelli and Philly Pheud / Research Ray and Crab Fries / From the 30s to the 70s / E. Nelson Bridwell / free Snickers / the most evil character on television / Little Steven vs. Silvio / Trek evil / Nancy Grace / Dexter / just doing their job / Batman ’66 / Sons of Anarchy / Archie Bunker / Vince McMahon / ‘just three more’ / MC Ren / Billy Joel / Batman and the Green Hornet / how to lose Twitter Followers / Camden Comic Con / Chikara / what’s your favorite time travel story? /