GAR! Podcast Episode 86: Secret (and not-so-secret) Wars


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This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

intro / trademark / payment / Secret Wars announcement / the press conference / Tom Brevoort teases the fanboys / period Fantastic Four / Marvel’s sliding timeline / post-Crisis trauma / Age of Ultron / Disco Dazzler / X-Men comics / the real Green Lantern / Ray ruins Glenn’s favorite X-Men story / wrong reader perception / Ray trashes the new 52 / tweaking and trust / the new Ms. Marvel / Ray reads everything / crossovers are worth it for the side stories / Ultimate Comics Universe / Weird World / reactions / Jonathan Hickman / Scott Lang Ant-Man / Battleworld / M*A*S*H the videogame / Ray in the hospital / closing /


Glenn on the Secret Wars announcement at Biff Bam Pop!

“Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars

X-Men #130

M*A*S*H for Atari 2600

Biff Bam Pop!

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The GAR! Podcast on Pinterest

The GAR! Podcast on Stitcher

The GAR! Podcast on iTunes

The GAR! Podcast Group on Facebook

The GAR! Podcast Page on Facebook

GAR! Podcast Episode 63: Potato Chips and the New Female Thor

Potato ChipsBooby Thor

Download the MP3 here!

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

intro / Thor on The View / Thor vs. Archie / Archie vs. Archie / Dan DeCarlo / The View / Chris Hemsworth / more of The View / timing / Batgirl / comics vs. film / San Diego Comic-Con / Stan Lee / Lay’s Do Us A Flavor / the flavor finalists / breaking them down / Oh Yoko! / the predicted un-researched winner / meat chips / Denny’s Atari videogames / Arkanoid / Huff Post on the Lay’s chips / Doritos Jacked / more female Thor / Wolverine interlude / Luther / Chelsea Cain / Better Call Saul / Marvel Star Wars / Gil Kane and Aliens / Grayson / Winter’s Bone again /


The new female Thor

Also on “The View”

Lay’s Do Us A Flavor Contest

Do Us A Flavor at French Fry Diary

Sexy Feet Flavored Potato Chips

Last year’s Do Us A Flavor contenders at French Fry Diary

Oh Yoko! at French Fry Diary

Hot dog chips at French Fry Diary

Denny’s Atari games

The Huffington Post on the Lay’s chips

Deptford woman’s connection to the Lay’s promotion

Cinnamon Pringles at French Fry Diary

The Doritos mystery flavors

The new female Thor at IGN

Glenn’s mini-review of Grayson #1

“Better Call Saul!”

Grayson at Biff Bam Pop!

Biff Bam Pop!

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The GAR! Podcast on Facebook


GAR! Podcast Episode 52: Comics and Sexism

Ah, Silver Age sexism.
Download the MP3 here!

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

intro / Camden Comic Con / Jamie Foxx on Sirius XM / kids with cards / Comics Interview and Amazing Heroes / press conferences / CO2 Comics / the elusive Bob McLeod / DIS Meet / spring cleaning comics / Alan Moore / returning vidcasts / no Avengers spoilers / Wanna Cook? / Crossed / Tampa / The Vril Agenda / ComiXology and Amazon / and Diamond / New 52 Teen Titans / Janelle Asselin / women who read comics / Glenn’s sister’s influence and her comics / sexy vs. sexism / Starfire / Power Girl / turnabout is Tempest / Phil Jimenez / Angela and crossovers / closing /


Camden Comic Con on Facebook

Camden Comic Con on Tumblr

Camden Comic Con on Twitter

The Make Mine Magic Podcast

Buffy to Batgirl

Free Comic Book Day

Amazing Spider-Man 2 trailer

The Foxxhole

Ventriloquist Ernie

Khari Productions

CO2 Comics

Comics Interview

Amazing Heroes

Steve Lafler

The World of Ginger Fox

Bob McLeod

Locust Moon Comics

Rob Kelly

The NJ DIS Meet Weekend

DIS Unplugged

DIS at French Fry Diary

Give Kids The World

All Things Fun!

The All Things Fun! Vidcast 2.0

The Biff Bam Popcast

Glenn’s Wanna Cook? review at Biff Bam Pop!

Wanna Cook?

Tampa by Alissa Nutting

The Vril Agenda by Derrick Ferguson and Josh Reynolds

Forbes on ComiXology

Bleeding Cool on ComiXology

Janelle Asselin on the cover of Teen Titans #1

Rape threats over cover at The Daily Beast

Asselin on the rape threats at XOJane

Comic Book Resources

Women in Refrigerators

Phil Jimenez

Phil Jimenez’ cover for Tempest #2

Biff Bam Pop!

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The GAR! Podcast on Facebook


GAR! Podcast Episode 44: Hell’s Cutthroat Kitchen of Comics

gar44 copy
Download the episode as an MP3

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

intro and premise / next week’s guest / South Park videogame / Ray’s iPads / Woot! / Hell’s Cutthroat Kitchen / Haunt / 300, no, not that one / Fantastic Four #1 / Alicia Masters and bad FF / The Thing / FF fashion / This Is 40 / Mr. Peabody and Sherman / inorganic Spider-Man / Mike Weiringo / Forever and ever Evil / the Nightwing thing / Legion Five Years Later / new reader friendly / Fantastic Four #200 / Marvel Unlimited / the bad comic shops / comics prices / Camden Comic Con / plugs / Rustler Steakhouse / happy ending /


The All Things Fun! Podcast

The All Things Fun! New Comics Vidcast

All Things Fun!


Glenn talks Haunt on the All Things Fun! Podcast

Glenn’s Fantastic Four #1 review

Marvel Unlimited

Camden Comic Con on Facebook

Camden Comic Con on Tumblr

Camden Comic Con on Twitter

Glenn’s review of Stan Lee’s Mighty 7

Biff Bam Pop!

The GAR! Podcast at Biff Bam Pop!

French Fry Diary

Rustler Steakhouse at French Fry Diary

The Make Mine Magic Podcast

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

The GAR! Podcast on Facebook


Mr. Peabody & Sherman trailer


GAR! Podcast Episode 34: Jennifer Lawrence in a Slave Leia Bikini

This week’s episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following:

mellow Ray / US Presidents in comics / more Rom / Miracleman / Alan Moore / more Miracleman / Marvelman / Sentry / Guardians of the Galaxy / Image Comics / The Authority / Ray’s Black Friday stash / Die Hard / Jennifer Lawrence / marriage free passes / Slave Leia / Oceans 11 / Marx Brothers / Family Guy / Breaking Bad / Christmas and Birthday / Glenn’s holiday card live /

Note from Ray: There is no known pic of Jennifer Lawrence in a Slave Leia bikini. If you have one, please contact the show. IMMEDIATELY.


El Tigre

Superman and JFK

Miracleman #1 at Biff Bam Pop!

Comparing the colors of Miracleman

Magic Words

Comics Beat on Miracleman

Glenn’s review of The Detective

Glenn on “Family Guy”

Breaking Bad: The Complete Series on the Biff Bam Pop! Holiday Gift Guide

The Make Mine Magic Podcast

Glenn’s Amazon wish list

Ray’s Amazon wish list

Glenn’s Twitter

Ray’s Twitter

“Aww, look at those dolls WAIT THAT ONE’S HUMAN!”
Look at that angel!
“Gimme back my wallet, kid.”

MP3 link to show